Hundreds of people have been flocking to the grave of late Russian opposition figure Alexey Navalny. Images from OVD-Info, an independent Russian…
The official said the reason was that Hamas had not responded to two Israeli demands: a list of hostages specifying which are alive…
Congress might consider new legislation on artificial intelligence and its effect on elections this year, according to the chair of the House…
Attorney General Merrick Garland appeared alongside Vice President Kamala Harris in Selma, Alabama on Sunday where he pledged to fight voter ID…
The S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index (INDEXTSI:JX) surged 21.87 points last week to close at 571.60. The United States Department of Labour Statistics…
Description The suspension of trading in the securities of European Lithium Limited (‘EUR’) will be lifted immediately following the release by EUR…
Iranian pop star who sang protest anthem jailed and ordered to write anti-US song, rights group says
by adminIranian singer Shervin Hajipour, whose song became popular during mass protests in 2022, has been sentenced to three years and eight months…
The images were stirring: Alexey Navalny’s mourners lining up on Friday around the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God in…